oh these days I still just stayed home and not went out to anywhere...

I'd like to have some activities but just too lazy to do= ="...

I found that my computer disk was filled with movies.

Though they were out-of-date, I still loved them.

But I really want to see something new...

Who can commend some movies or japan dramas to me?

Now I have H2, Hero & SP, Orange days, Engine, nodame, dad at home, etc.

Oh I also want someone to commend a japanese-typing software to me.

I had downloaded the sakura software, but I couldn't type japanese in roma spelling.

Is it because my computer is vista?

Now I really want to have a nap...

標題總覺得怪怪的= =


可是這樣感覺好像是,為了要活著所以當個怪人= =...

啊......是不是還是改成 Being a geek, so I live 比較好= =...

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